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November 9th 2017
Blue Light Illumination installed on the eve of World Diabetes Day (14/11/2017) at various places/health institutes in order to generate awareness among the masses regarding Diabetes. On the directions of Director Health Services, Kashmir Dr Saleem ur Rehman, the department is going to conduct various awareness cum screening programmes across Kashmir Division tomorrow
November 1st 2017
Hon'ble Minister of State for Health & Medical Education and Social Welfare Ms. Asiea Naqash laid foundation stone of two New Type Primary Health Center (NTPHC) at Chewdora and Ratsun villages at Beerwah Block in District Budgam.
Director Health Services,Kashmir Dr. Saleem-ur-Rehman, Deputy Commissioner Budgam Mr Haroon Malik, Ex MLA Dr. Mohammad Shafi, CMO Budgam Dr G M Dar and other concerned officers accompanied the Minister.
November 1st 2017
In furtherance to its efforts towards Disaster Management, the Directorate of Health Services, Kashmir (DHSK) observed November 1st as Disaster Preparedness Day wherein various exercises on minimizing the affect of any Disaster were carried out. This comes in the backdrop of the recently convened meeting by Director Health Services, Kashmir Dr. Saleem ur Rehman with the all the Chief Medical Officers and Medical Superintendents of Kashmir Division, wherein the Director Health stressed the need of being prepared to tackle any type of Disaster or Disaster like situations and had directed the Administrators to conduct various preparedness activities and mock drills in order to achieve maximum level of preparedness. In addition, the DHSK now onwards is going to observe 1st November as Disaster Preparedness Day every year in the department whereby the Health personnel will develop the sense of roles and responsibilities that every individual health personnel has to fulfill in case of any disaster or disaster like situations. In this context, DHSK organized and conducted various workshops with regard to Disaster Preparedness like Fire Mock Drills, Basic Life Support Training, Handling of Medical Emergency (Pre & Post Hospital Care), handling of Critical Care Ambulances and Code Yellow & Code Blue drills in various districts of the valley. The Fire Mock Drills were conducted in collaboration with Fire & Emergency Services Department. Director Health Services, Kashmir while appreciating the efforts of Chief Medical Officers & Medical Superintendents stressed the need to be effectively prepared to face any disaster or disaster like situation as the Health Department is one of the first responders and also said that the Department will strictly observe this day as Disaster Preparedness day. He also thanked the Fire & Emergency Department for their support.
November 1st 2017
Mr. Abdul Rehman Veeri, Hon'ble Minister for Revenue, Disaster Management, Relief Rehabilitation & Reconstruction and Parliamentary Affairs inaugurated NTPHC Khiram,Anantnag in presence of Director Health Services,Kashmir Dr Saleem ur Rehman & DDC Anantnag Mr Mohammad Younis Malik. Chief Medical Officer Anantnag Dr Fazil Kochak,District Immunization Officer Dr Arshad Tak along with various District Health Officers were present on the occasion. Later Director health inspected PHC Sirhama & PHC Marhama and took stock of health care services being provided to the patients.
October 31st 2017
A three day,5th batch training programme of Emergency Room Skill Course (ERSC) concluded as on 28/10/2017 at KSSC,RIHFW,Dhobiwan.
October 30th 2017
Daily DOTS treatment course for Tuberculosis patients was launched by Director Health Services, Kashmir Dr Saleem ur Rehman at District TB Centre Srinagar. As per the National strategy TB patients were being treated on intermittent DOTS regimen where patients were given three days TB course in a week at designated /nearby DOT centres. Now from under Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP), new Technicaland Operational Guidelines -TOG 2016, the Govt. of India launched daily regimen dose to diagnosed TB patients throughout country as well as in J&K State. On the occasion Director Health launched the Daily DOTS treatment by administering the dose to newly diagnosed TB patients .While speaking, he stressed to carry the quality of sputum microscopy and other tests for diagnosis of TB. He also said that , "The new treatment protocol will replace the existing three times a week treatment and will be implemented across Kashmir .Instead of several individual drugs, patients will be put on fixed drug combinations, i.e. three or more drugs as a single dose, to reduce the pill burden and to simplify the treatment. The dosages are in four specific weight bands.” He added that, findings have revealed that the old regimen has led to increasing instances of drug resistance and relapse. The inaugural event was organised by District TB Centre Srinagar under the aegis of State TB Cell of Directorate of Health Services Kashmir (DHSK).The event was attended by Dr Kunzes Dolma, Dy Director HQ, Dr Showkat Ali Looloo , Dy. Director Schemes/State TB Officer Kashmir, Dr Mehmooda Kar, Assistant Director, DHSK, Dr Dildar Mir, CMO Srinagar, Dr Shameema Wani Director STDC Srinagar, Dr Rehana Kousar, Epidemiologist Kashmir, Dr Mushtaq Dar, DNO Kashmir NHM, Block Medical Officers ,Zonal Medical Officers, Medical Officers STDC/DTC Srinagar, Officers/ Officials from state TB cell ,DTC Srinagar and RNTCP Staff. Moreover various topics such as involvement of medical colleges in state for TB control, status of RNTCP In Kashmir management of drug resistant TB, technical and operational guidelines of RNTCP and sensitization and training of providers, were discussed in the day-long event.
October 29th 2017
On 26/10/2017 a camp was organized by Fire and Emergency Services Department, Anantnag in collaboration with Directorate of Health Services, Kashmir at MCCH Anantnag under the supervision of Dy. Medical Superintendent. Various employees of the hospital participated in the mock drill.
October 29th 2017
A CME themed "DIABETES AND NEWER CHALLENGES" was organized at District Hospital Baramulla. Dr Hayat Bhat, Noted Endocrinologist delivered a lecture and panel discussion was attended by various doctors of district of Baramulla.
October 28th 2017
Hon’ble Minister for Health & Medical Education, Mr Bali Bhagat inaugurated website of the Directorate of Health Services Kashmir (DHSK), www.dhskashmir.org at the Division of Public Health and Epidemiology (DEPH), Barzulla , Srinagar in presence of the Director Health Services Kashmir, Dr Saleem ur Rehman. After inaugurating the website the Hon’ble Minister was apprised by the Director about the information and activities related the department that is being depicted on the website in a user friendly manner. The site offers a simplified menu and an easy-to-navigate layout, so that the public can quickly and easily find information related to the services they need or seek. Additionally, the site gives the visitor a better idea of what DHSK and its activities and efforts in delivering health care across the Kashmir Division. The website will allow people to access detailed work done pertained to the department under various programmes and schemes. Hon’ble Minister while going through the website appreciated the efforts of the Director Health Services, Kashmir in coming up with a comprehensive website and laid stress on bridging the Public – Government interface via all means of modern technology so that a better work culture is brought into place. Later Mr. Bali Bhagat also took a review of functionality of the Control Room of the Directorate Health Services Kashmir. Deputy Director Health Services Kashmir Dr Showkat Looloo, Assistant Director DHSK Dr G A Wani, Epidemiologist Kashmir, Dr Rehana Kousar & State Surveillance Officer, Dr S M Kadri along with others were present on the occasion. In the end, the Director Health Services appreciated the efforts of the staff associated with the development of the website.
October 26th 2017
DDirector Health Services, Kashmir Dr Saleem ur Rehman delivered a lecture themed "Disaster Management vis a vis Health Care Services" during Refresher Course on Disaster Management at UGC-HRDC, University of Kashmir. Various University Faculty Members within and outside the state took part during the training. The Director also apprised the participants about the health care response during September 2014 Floods and Unrest 2016. On this occasion Dr Abdul Rashid Parra deliberated upon Disaster Management Preparedness in peripheral hospitals of Govt. Hospitals while KSSC,RIHFW BLS team headed by Dr Ijtaba Shafi imparted Basic Life Support Training to the participants. Later Prof. Gul Mohammad Wani (Director HRDC) and Dr. Geer M Ishaq, Coordinator, UGC-HRDC thanked Director Health for gracing the occasion.
October 24th 2017
Felicity Gates,Regional First Aid Advisor , International Committee for the Red Cross(ICRC) taking review of BLS Master Trainers of Directorate of Health Services,Kashmir.
She appreciated the efforts of the department in disseminating BLS to health personnel & various stakeholders in the state.She also appreciated the efforts of Directorate & the trainers at Kashmir Skills & Simulation Centre (KSSC) for disseminating various medical emergency trainings at the training institute
October 24th 2017
SGlobal iodine deficiency disorders prevention day was observed at CHC Gousia on 21/10/17, .On this occasion a CME was organized and presentation was given by Dr Imran Masood Physician Specialist regarding iodine deficiency disorders and hypothyroidism.
October 12th 2017
World Sight Day was observed in all the blocks of District Budgam in which awareness was given regarding eye ailments and their prevention. Elderly people were screened for cataract and vision impairing factors. Diabetic patients were screened for diabetic retinopathy. Slum inhabitants were screened for eye ailments also. Rallies and awareness were conducted to convey the message to make vision count which was the theme of the day.
October 12th 2017
October 11th 2017
October 10th 2017
The Orthopaedic Unit of Mirza Mohammad Afzal Beigh Memorial, District Hospital, Anantnag organised a one day "CME on Trauma Update" at Dak Bunglow, Anantnag under the aegis of Directorate of Health Services, Kashmir (DHSK).Delegates from all over Kashmir province both from Government and Private Hospitals participated in the CME. Special lecture was delivered by Ex. HOD Dr M K Magu, Department of Orthopaedics, Post Graduate institute of Rohtak. The event was graced by the presence of Cheif Guest, Dr Mehmooda Kar (Assistant Director, DHSK) and Guest of honour Additional District Commissioner Anantnag, Mr Shabir Ahmad Bhat. Cheif Medical Officer Anantnag, Dr Fazil Ali Kochak presided over the event while Dr Majid Mirab,MS DH Anantnag welcomed all the dignitaries in his inaugural speech.The importance of such CMEs is to update the doctors with knowledge and new techniques for better patient care, diagnosis and management of diseases which are imperative to keep pace with rest of the world in terms of health care. The theme of the event was highlighted by Dr Akhter Ganai Secretary Academic Committee DHSK.The organising committee included Dr Ab Majid Mirab, Dr Murtaza Fazal Ali, Dr Younis Kamal, Dr Mohd Shafi Badar , Dr Mohd Altaf Wani, Dr Lateif Sidiqui and Dr Owais H Dar while as vote of thanks was delivered by Dr Younis Kamal.Director Health Services, Kashmir Dr Saleem ur Rehman appreciated the organising committee and the participants and laid thrust on organising more academic activities so that clinical skills are upgraded and up to date for brtter patient care.
October 3rd 2017
September 23rd 2017
Hon'ble Education Minister Mr Altaf Bukhari who was chairing DDB Baramulla inspected Gulmarg Hospital along with Hon'ble MLA Gulmarg Mr Abbas Wani,Com. Sec. Education, DDC Baramulla.DHSK Dr Saleem ur Rehman apprised him about the functioning of the hospital and future projected action plan.CMO Baramulla was also present on the occasion.
September 12th 2017
J&K is located in a vulnerable seismic zone that is prone to earthquakes and is equally susceptible to flash floods, landslides and avalanches. Thus preparedness of our departments and their integration through central command center is a vital key to swift and prompt response that needs to be generated as a reaction to such events. The Directorate of Health Services Kashmir (DHSK) profoundly worked on the subject over the last half a decade in a gradual manner as it is quite evident that hospitals during disasters or disaster like situations become the first response centers and even shelter for relief and rehabilitative measures. Over the years disaster or disaster like situations like Earthquake 2005,Waltengu , Summer Unrest of 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2016 resulted in multiple and mass causalities throwing a bigger challenge to health institutions. These events opened a new chapter for the department as they challenged the health care delivery system and sought effective remedial measures. All such experiences on the disaster management has now been finally reproduced in the form of a readily available document by the Directorate Health Services Kashmir and introduced as “Disaster Management Manual” for DHSK, District Hospitals and District headquarters (CMOs) which was inaugurated by Hon’ble Chief Minister, Ms. Mehbooba Mufti during the last week of August 2017 and was followed by multiple orientation workshops for all District and Block level officers for effective utilization of the manual. On the inaugural function, Hon’ble Minister for Finance, Dr. Haseeb Drabu, Hon’ble Minister for Health & Medical Education, Mr. Bali Baghat, Hon’ble Minister of State for Health & Medical Education, Ms. Asiea Naqash, Chief Secretary, J&K, Mr. B. B. Vyas, Principal Secretary to Hon’ble Chief Minister, Mr. Rohit Kansal, Principal Secretary to Government, Health & Medical Education, Dr. Pawan Kotwal, Director Health Services, Kashmir, Dr. Saleem ur Rehman and other Head of Departments and senior officers were present on the occasion. This document emphasizes and illuminates the necessary guidelines, need of command system, response teams and alternative measures for quick response and immediate relief during disasters that can help us bring in early stabilization in such situations. Disaster Management Manual reflects our state of preparedness and builds a platform to design effective, realistic and coordinated planning; it reduces duplication of efforts and increases the overall effectiveness of the coordinated work. It can help in generating mock drills for effective training.
September 1st 2017
August 27th 2017
Experts from NIRT Bangalore and TRC Chennai reviewed the TB prevalence survey conducted by Directorate of Health Services,Kashmir in Kashmir Division. Dr Vineet Chadha from NIRT Bangalore is an Epidemiologist of international repute. Dr Paul Kumaran is a scientist E from TRC Chennai. The meeting was chaired by DHSK Dr Saleem ur Rehman while as Dr Showkat Loloo,Dr Rehana Kausar and Dr SM Kadri along with other staff took part in the meet.